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Small Group Resources

Grow together in your marriage by joining a FamilyLife small group or Impact your corner of the world by hosting other couples for a group

Vertical Marriage

Join Dave and Ann Wilson on this 5-week journey with humour-filled and relatable video sessions, dynamic group discussion, and intentional couple’s connection.

Brought to you by FamilyLife, a leader in biblical marriage content for more than 40 years, Vertical Marriage small-group will help your small-group members learn the secret to a healthy marriage – if the vertical relationship with God is put first, the horizontal relationship between spouses will follow.

Topics Include:

  1. The Elusive Secret
  2. Fight Me Like a Man!
  3. To Cheer and To Cherish
  4. God in the Bedroom
  5. All In!

Building Up Your Spouse

When so many marriages are falling apart, you can pull yours together by encouraging each other through love, support and affirmation. Couples who bring out the best in each other build security and trust in their relationship. Your spouse needs things that only you can give.

By learning what these are, and how to give them, you can bring fresh life into your marriage. Both of you will discover how to lift each other up and cheer each other on.

This 7-week small-group study for couples will encourage you to:

  • put the past in a healthy perspective,
  • give each other room to try, fail and try again, and
  • be accepted and accepting.

Managing Pressure in Your Marriage

Do you ever feel like you’re walking against the wind? Just when life seems to calm down a little, something else pushes against you—another decision to make, more bills to pay and a schedule crammed with too much “go” and not enough “stop.”

The pressure builds from inside out and outside in, and it’s not going away anytime soon. But the two of you can learn to deal with it together. Join with your spouse and a group of friends for this 6-week study where you’ll talk about:

  • making plans and decisions together,
  • recognizing when and how to relax, and
  • looking out for each other.

Don’t let life blow you away. Let Managing Pressure in Your Marriage help you rise above the turbulence. The Managing Pressure in Your Marriage small-group workbook sessions include:

  • Warm-up,
  • Couple’s Conversation Prompts,
  • Group Discussion Questions, and
  • HomeBuilders Couple’s Project.

Improving Communication in Your Marriage​

Sure, we’re talking, but are we communicating? To understand and be understood, that’s real communication. And it takes more than words. In fact, we sometimes say the most when we speak the least.

Communication has the power to make or break relationships. Help your marriage by improving the way that you and your spouse communicate.

Using this study as a guide, gather with some friends and discover how to:

  • recognize the barriers that sometimes keep you from understanding each other,
  • fight fair when conflict comes, and
  • support each other through the trials of life.

Smart Step Family

Get the most out of The Smart Stepfamily. Discover the key steps to building a healthy family with stepfamily expert Ron Deal.

Through eight engaging sessions, you’ll learn useable solutions for everyday living and glean valuable insight and practical tips for becoming a smart stepfamily. Ideal for small groups, premarital counselling, or personal study.

Topics Include:

  • Becoming a Smart Stepfamily
  • Step Up to Discover a Redemptive God
  • Step Down Your Expectations
  • Step Through the Wilderness
  • Two-Step Your Marriage
  • Side Step the Common Pitfalls
  • Step in Line with the Parenting Team
  • Step Over into the Promised Land

Building Your Marriage to Last​

Your marriage is under construction every day as you build on the promises that you’ve made to each other and learn to deal with setbacks and challenges.

Some days it’s less than you hoped for and other days it’s more than you ever dreamed. No matter how good, difficult, long, or short your marriage has been, you can start building—or remodelling—right now.

Topics Covered:

  • Preventing Isolation
  • Developing Oneness
  • Receiving Your Spouse
  • Securing the Relationship
  • Fitting Together
  • Building in the Spirit
  • Shaping Your Legacy

Register your interest

Grow together in your marriage by joining a FamilyLife small group or Impact your corner of the world by hosting other couples for a group. Joining a small group is a great way to continue growing together as a couple. Register interest below.

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