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Help Us Build Hope

Keep the love alive in your marriage

Date your mate

It can be so easy to fall into the trap of monotony in your relationship. Here’s the thing, great relationships don’t just happen.

Great relationships are developed by spending intentional time and energy focusing on making each other the priority. One of the easiest ways to cultivate this habit of making your spouse a priority is through regular date nights.

“I’ve never met with anyone seeking a divorce who has a regular date night. Never!”

John Burns (Worked with over 1000 couples)

We’ve created a series of date night ideas to get you started with this awesome habit of having regular date nights with your spouse.

Step 1

Sign up for free

Step 2

Receive our date night ideas delivered to your inbox

Step 3

Start having regular date nights and see your connection flourish

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The FamilyLife NZ Date Night emails are a great FREE tool to help creatively equip you and your spouse with some new practical ideas that will encourage you to build a strong, healthy, and connected marriage relationship.



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Date Nights

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💘 This weekend only, we’re offering a 50% OFF Valentine’s Weekend FLASH SALE for our A Day Together and Weekend To Remember couples events. 💘

💘 Use the code “Valentines25” to access the discount when you register. 💘