Help Us Build Hope
Help Us Build Hope

Set up a Marriage Mentor Centre


We believe the church should be the first point of call for marriages in trouble, which is why we partner with churches to set up marriage mentoring centres to not only help those in need, but also equip already healthy marriages grow even stronger.

What does it take to get started?

In Person Training:

If you can get at least 20 couples in a room together for 3 1/2 hours you have all you need. We also recommend that pastors find a marriage champion in their church to get this going. We provide a coach to help them every step of the way. Every church has couples that could build into younger couples and take the pressure off of the pastor/staff encouraging couples.

How about trying our Online Training?

Attending Marriage Mentoring training has never been this easy! Simply join us on Zoom for 3 1/2 hours. You can attend either from the comfort of your own home or maybe get a group of couples together and live stream at your church. We provide a coach to help them every step of the way. Every church has couples that could build into younger couples and take the pressure off of the pastor/staff encouraging couples.

How much does it cost?

$75.00 per Mentor couple to attend the Marriage Mentoring training run by FamilyLife. This includes a Marriage Mentor Guide, 2 x Conversation Guide and postage.

Who is behind Marriage Mentoring?

The Marriage Mentoring Initiative is brought to you from FamilyLife New Zealand, adapted from FamilyLife Canada. We provide coaching and resources that equip churches to encourage couples in their community.

Is my church the right size for something like this?

If you have one couple that wants to help marriages you are big enough. It is scalable to fit any size church.

Set up a Marriage Mentor Centre

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