Church Promotion Resources
You can encourage your congregation to invest in their relationships by inviting them to an upcoming FamilyLife NZ event. Simply click on one of the resources below which you are free to use in your church media to promote a marriage getaway.
Upcoming Events
A Day Together - Palmerston North (17 May 2025)
A Day Together - Whangarei (16 August 2025)
To Download:
Click on the image. Then in the popup image window top right, click the download arrow.
16:9 Presentation Slides (1920 x 1080 px)
1:1 Social Media images (1080 x 1080 px)
Order Brochures
We’ll send you printed brochures you can display at your location or hand out in person.
Find an Event
Give your marriage the lift it deserves by attending a FamilyLife event
Date Nights
Sign up to receive a series of Date Night ideas to keep the love alive
Read helpful relationship articles that will inspire and equip your marriage