Help Us Build Hope
Help Us Build Hope

Invite Others

Thank you for partnering with us by informing others on how FamilyLife NZ can help them.

Ways to Invite Others

Thank you for caring about marriages and families so much that you’re willing to encourage and invite others to attend one of our events.  We hope these tools will help you invite your friends, family, church members, neighbours, or workmates to a FamilyLife Getaway!

Share Online

Click on one of the social media icons below to share our Weekend to Remember page or download one of the images below to create your own social media post.

Shareable Event Images

Weekend to Remember - Auckland (4-6 April)

Social media posts (1080×1080)

Weekend to Remember - Tauranga (6-8 June)

Social media posts (1080×1080)

Weekend to Remember - Christchurch (10-12 October)

Social media posts (1080×1080)

Become a Group Coordinator

Do you want to help couples benefit from the amazing experience of a Weekend to Remember and at the same time give them an incentive to register? With our Group Coordinator initiative you will receive a code that you can share with those you invite to give them a 10% discount for a Weekend to Remember when they register using your code. For every 10 couples that attend using your group coordinator code, you will receive one free Weekend to Remember registration to either use yourself or pass on to another couple to attend. Thanks for helping to point people in this direction and encouraging them to invest in their marriage.

Register to become a Group Coordinator

Share your GC code to give 10% discount

Receive a free weekend voucher for every 10 couples that attend

Order Brochures

We’ll send you printed brochures you can display at your location or hand out in person

Find an Event

Give your marriage the lift it deserves by attending a FamilyLife event

Date Nights

Sign up to receive a series of Date Night ideas to keep the love alive


Read helpful relationship articles that will inspire and equip your marriage

💘 This weekend only, we’re offering a 50% OFF Valentine’s Weekend FLASH SALE for our A Day Together and Weekend To Remember couples events. 💘

💘 Use the code “Valentines25” to access the discount when you register. 💘